Şunun için tam çeviri sonucu bulunamadı إتمام التدريب المهني

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Çevir İngilizce Arapça إتمام التدريب المهني

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  • As a result, the fishing industry has been practically closed to new entrants. According to the author many Icelandic citizens however want to be fishermen as it is an occupation deeply rooted in Icelandic culture and also practically the only productive activity accessible to men in the prime of age. The author adds that annually thousands of tons of small fish are discarded at sea because they would count as part of the quota but could not be sold at the highest price.
    واستأنف صاحب البلاغ هذا القرار أمام وزير الشؤون الداخلية متمسكاً بأن الفقرة 1 من المادة 50 من قانون الشرطة لا توجب على رجال الشرطة الحاصلين على شهادة في مجال التعليم العالي إلاَّ إتمام التدريب المهني ولا توجب عليهم إتمام تدريب الضباط.